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Why Ethiopian coffee is the best? Is Ethiopian Coffee Good? It’s considered the best coffee in the world because the roasts are mostly cultivated in high altitudes and excellent climate conditions. Furthermore, most of the coffee farms grow the heirloom variety of Coffee Arabic, which is the “queen” of all coffees in the world.

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Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds

seasame seeds have many potential health benfits and  have been used in folk medicine in thousend  of is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world.Ethiopia is one of the leading sesame seed producer exporter countries in the world.

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Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans

Red kidney bean (also known as: common kidney bean, rajma in India, surkh (red) lobia in Pakistan). Light speckled kidney bean (and long shape light speckled kidney bean). Red speckled kidney bean (and long shape light speckled kidney bean).

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